Financer | Programme | Name | Year | Targeted task | Resource modality | Source | Domain | Content | Types | Manual-Auto | direct / indirect use | Language | Updated regularly | Size (in words if no indication) | Format | License | Availability | Catalogue reference | Link/Doc/Ref |
crowd | Wikipedia | 2001 | IE | W | GEN | names, triggers, translations | many | crowd | I | multi | Y | wiki | open | ||||||
crowd, DBpedia association | Dbpedia | 2007 | EL | W | GEN | names, triggers, translations | many | auto | D | multi | Y | rdf | open | ||||||
DBpedia Lexicalizations Dataset | NERC,EL | W | DBpedia | GEN | names | many | auto | D | en | Y | not found | rdf | open |,, | |||||
YAGO | 2008 | WSD,EL | W | WKPD, WN, Geonames | GEN | names | many | auto | D | en | Y | 10M entities | rdf | open | |||||
Babelnet | 2012 | WSD, EL | W | WKPD, WN, MT | GEN | several, names, translations | many | auto | D | multi | Y | 7,7M | rdf | CC-BY-SA | |||||
WordNet | 1985 | WSD | W | GEN | names | many | manual | D | en | Y | |||||||||
JRC-Names | 2011 | several, NERC, EL | W | NP | GEN | names, triggers, translations | P,O | auto | D | multi | Y | 1.7M | rdf | free for research | | ||||
Geonames | IE,EL | W | N/A | GEO | names, translations | L | mixed | D | multi | Y | 10M | rdf | CC-BY | ||||||
Prolex | 2003 | NERC | W | GEN | names | many | mixed | D | fr | Y | 96k | lmf | |||||||
Prolex | 2003 | NERC | W | GEN | names | many | mixed | D | pl | Y | 39k | lmf | |||||||
Prolex | 2003 | NERC | W | GEN | names | many | mixed | D | en | Y | 19k | lmf | |||||||
CESAR project | Polish Named Entity Gazetteer | 2012 | NERC | W | GEN | names, triggers | P,L,O | mixed | D | pl | N | 135k | txt, LMF | CC-BY-SA | free of charge | | |||
CESAR project | Named entity lexical database | 2013 | speech synthesis | S | GEN | names | P,L | manual | D | hu | N | 131k | txt, | CC-BY | non-free | | |||
CESAR project | Bulgarian MWE dictionary | 2013 | NLP application | W | WKPD, dictionaries, electronic corpora | GEN | names | N/A | manual | I | bg | N | N/A, contains some NE | CC-BY-NC | |||||
CESAR project | PNET (Polish Named Entity Triggers) | 2012 | NERC | W | WKPD, PoliMorf | GEN | triggers | mixed | D | pl | N | 28k | Available - Restricted Use | free of charge |, | ||||
MINELex (Multilingual, Interoperable Named Entity Lexicon) | 2011 | NERC | W | WKPD | GEN | names | auto | D | en | N | 975k NEs | downloadable | | ||||||
MINELex (Multilingual, Interoperable Named Entity Lexicon) | 2011 | NERC | W | WKPD | GEN | names | auto | D | es | N | 137k | downloadable | | ||||||
MINELex (Multilingual, Interoperable Named Entity Lexicon) | 2011 | NERC | W | WKPD | GEN | names | auto | D | it | N | 125k | downloadable | | ||||||
Arabic NET | 2013 | TR | W | WKPD, news | GEN | names, translations | CONLL | auto | D | ar | N | 60k | txt | downloadable | | ||||
Arabic NEs | 2011 | NERC | W | WKPD | GEN | names, ontology | many | manual | D | ar | N | 45k | LMF | downloadable |, | ||||
BioLexicon | 2009 | Text Mining | W | terminology, gene names | BIO | nams | sql | en | N | ELRA-T0373, 152-047-849-795-0 | sql | Academic - Non Commercial Use | |||||||
GLiCom Spanish Wordform list – Regular word-forms | several,NERC | W | generic | several, names | L | D | es | N | 8k | non free | ELRA-L0095-01 | ||||||||
Historical and NE lexica | 2011 | OCR, NERC | W | historical texts | generic | names | BASIC | mixed | D | en | N | 241k | sql,xml | not decided | downloadable (members) | | |||
Historical and NE lexica | 2011 | OCR, NERC | W | historical texts | generic | names | BASIC | mixed | D | du | N | 475k | sql,xml | not decided | downloadable (members) | | |||
Historical and NE lexica | 2011 | OCR, NERC | W | historical texts | generic | names | BASIC | mixed | D | de | N | ? | sql,xml | not decided | downloadable (members) | | |||
Name-hu | 2013 | NERC | W,S | generic | names | P,L | manual | Y | hu | N | 130k | non free | | ||||||
Common Thesaurus Audiovisual Archives | 2010 | several,NERC | BC | AudioVisual arhcives | GEN | names | P,L,O | not said | du | 160k | RDF | ||||||||
Multilingual lexicon of toponyms | 2012 | NERC | W | WKPD | GEN | names | P | auto | pl | N | 155k | Academic - Non Commercial Use | | ||||||
Uniprot/Swissprot | long-standing | NERC | W | scientific literature | BIO | names | manual | Y | en | Y | 542k | RDF,XML,FASTA,GFF | CC BY ND 3.0 | ||||||
Uniprot/TrEMBLE | long-standing | NERC | W | scientific literature | BIO | names | auto | Y | en | Y | 54M | RDF,XML,FASTA,GFF | CC BY ND 3.0 | ||||||
UniParc | long-standing | EL | W | BIO | en | Y | RDF,XML,FASTA,GFF | CC BY ND 3.0 | |||||||||||
UniMES | long-standing | NERC | W | BIO | en | Y | RDF,XML,FASTA,GFF | CC BY ND 3.0 | |||||||||||
UMLS Metathesaurus | long-standing | NERC, EL | W | many other terminologies | BIO, MEDICAL | names | Y | multi | Y | RRF (Rich Release Format) |, |